
Showing posts with the label Supplier Management

A Demand planning Software Solution-That can save you more $$$ than you think – Start your Free Trial

·         Up to 99% less stock-outs ·        A 100% ROI in the first month ·        Hundreds of hours saved on forecasting, planning and placing orders ·        Millions of dollars saved reduction of excess inventory ·        Immediate implementation with a user-friendly system Demand planning software  helps you know what your upcoming demand is, so that you can plan your inventory to avoid stock-outs or excess inventory. Finding a powerful demand planning software solution, in many cases, can save your company hundreds of thousands of dollars almost immediately. Our custom-made demand forecasting solution for your inventory planning needs Avercast Demand planning (ABF) software is powered by an industry leading 208 forecasting algorithms. Avercast Demand planning systematically measures each algorithm against up to five years of historical inventory data (at any level of hierarchy) prior to selecting a “best fit” for going forward. Forecasts are displayed f